…the new face of Business Reply
Over the last few months we’ve been working hard designing a new brand for Business Reply. All the info you need can be found below but please just get in touch if you have any questions.
We also have some exciting updates to the products and services that we offer. Sign up to our newsletter to keep in the loop of all the latest news, products and offers.
why are we doing this?
Let’s face it, the old logo was a bit dated. We want to modernise Business Reply through the Breezy Tech brand, bringing a fresh new feel to our company.
when will it change?
The change is already underway so you may notice the Breezy Tech logo in emails, letters and pretty much everywhere else. A complete change over will take some time as there’s lots in the background we want to make sure we get right.
what do you need to do?
At the moment you don’t have to do anything, Business Reply Ltd is still the registered company and important info like our address, support numbers and bank details will remain the same. We will start using new email addresses but our exisiting ones will still work so feel free to use either for now.